,   Age: 1+

Measurement & Data 1.2
Measuring with nonstandard units
Lesson 1 of 3


Activity Content:

1. 1.2, Lesson 1
2. You can use different objects to measure other things. If you know the length of the small object it will help you know the length of the thing you measure.
3. For example the button, paper clip, and the quarter are "close" to an inch, so using them to measure will help you know approximately how many inches something is.
4. So then, you could measure this pencil with a button, paper clip, or a coin to see how long it is, approximately., This pencil is close to 6 buttons (inches) long.
5. After you measure a pencil (preferably a new one, not sharpened yet); you could then measure larger objects with pencils to get the length of it., 4 pencils long
Remember our pencil was about 6 buttons (inches) long, so...
6+6+6+6= 24 inches long
6. no gaps, no overlaps
7. Which toy car is measured correctly?
8. Which pencil is measured INCORRECTLY?
9. Which shoe is measured INCORRECTLY?
10. Which mitten is measured correctly?
11. Which book is measured correctly?
12. Which crayon is measured INCORRECTLY?
13. Which square is measured correctly?
14. Which cylinder is measured INCORRECTLY?
15. Which cell phone is measured correctly?
16. Which notebook is measured INCORRECTLY?

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