,   Age: 1+

Learn the Chinese words for parts of the body for our 5 senses.


Activity Content:

1. Reading: 猜一猜, Story & 
Illustration by
Moses Sia
2. Soundboard: 猜一猜, 是什么
3. Soundboard: 用鼻子, 猜一猜
4. Soundboard: 用耳朵, 猜一猜
5. Soundboard: 用手, 猜一猜
6. Soundboard: 用眼睛, 看一看
7. Soundboard: 是蛇皮果
8. Soundboard: 用口, 尝一尝
9. Soundboard: 好甜, 好吃
10. Questions: 猜一猜
11. Puzzle: 耳朵, 鼻子, 手, 口, 眼睛
12. Questions: 眼睛, 鼻子, 口, 手, 耳朵

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